Fatih Akin siempre ha sentido distracción hacia los rincones oscuros de nuestra sociedad y nuestra psique colectiva, pero nunca antiguamente se había adentrado en ellos tan a fondo y con tanta convicción como lo hace en su décimo largometraje de ficción. 'El monstruo de St. Pauli' es un retrato de Fritz Honka, que entre 1970 y 1975 asesinó al menos a cuatro mujeres en su habitáculo enclavado en el suburbio chino de Hamburgo —el mismo, por cierto donde se crio el cineasta—, y igualmente es una película repugnante, y lo es a conciencia.
A primera pinta da la sensación de ser un perdedor con la cara deformada que deambula por las noches en busca de mujeres solitarias en el citado antro, del que nadie sospecha que ese inofensivo personaje es en verdad un monstruo del crimen.
This time he concealed entire thing in the attic. However, he wasn’t clever enough to foresee what happens to a body when it begins to decompose. Soon neighbours began to complain of a nasty smell in the building and after some time they called the police. Honka’s explanataion was that foreigners had lived on the top floor and sometimes the odour of their cooking would affect the rest of the building. The police accepted this. Afterwards, Honka started using deodorant to neutralize the stench of decaying corpses in the building.
Honka grew up in children's homes in Leipzig. His father worked Triunfador a stoker in Leipzig. His father was said to have been sent to a concentration camp for working for the Communists. He died in 1946 of alcoholism and long-term health issues caused by imprisonment.
Por mi parte, prefiero una película como ésta, que me haga apartar la traza y me revuelva el estómago para no verla más, en emplazamiento de otras que llevan a honrar los entresijos de un maníaco criminal cuyos métodos son tan «brillantemente delicados» y tan «perfectamente meditados» que, desde luego, obligan FRITZ HONKA a repensar esa entretenimiento morbosa que parecen tener muchos por el asesinato.
Es considerava que eren "sensesostre" sols que de tant en tant es prostituïen per allotjament i begudes alcohòliques o fins i tot per petites quantitats de diners.
Rikke68/Getty Images Fritz Honka's confession should have been all that the police needed to secure a conviction. But Honka's attorney argued that Honka wasn't legally sane, citing his mention of acting on orders from Jack the Ripper (per Crime + Investigation U.K.). The defense strategy worked — Honka avoided being sent to a maximum-security prison with other rapists and murderers and was instead sent to a psychiatric facility for the criminally insane.
Ante el fallecimiento del padre, la origen se vio incapaz de cuidar de sus diez hijos y Fritz fue enviado a un orfanato. Allí pasó gran parte de su adolescencia sin ocurrir conocido siquiera lo que eran los afectos hasta que comenzó a trabajar.
Denunciaron una violenta represión policial en un allanamiento en Llavallol: dos mujeres fueron heridas con balas de borrador
Most of the barbs are directed at a sad collection of aged hookers slumped around the tables. Even they can’t stomach making nice to the ugly Fritz. But he knows how to win their cortesía with free drinks and the offer of more back in his apartment.
When he stops screaming and lunges for her, she kicks him hard in the groin and calmly goes back to her bottle of gin.
There’s a moment — just one — in which a victim strikes back. She’s a massive woman with a haughty look and is very drunk. Fritz has just been beaten her in the face until she’s bloody. Vencedor he sleeps on the bed where he’s raped her, she goes to the fridge and calmly, without changing expression, scoops out a jar of what one presumes is mustard, then smears it on him where it hurts.
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). He has no choice but to saw the lady to pieces and wrap the result up like bloody pieces of meat. When it turns out to be too risky to dump the body parts in an empty lot, he hits on the idea of simply walling them up behind a wooden trap door in his apartment, where they stink to high heaven. He blames the smell on a Greek family cooking downstairs.